"Rican Beach" by Hurray For the Riff Raff. (Found this via Kate Miss and her always enviable music mixes.)
"Mississippi" by The Cactus Blossoms. (Heard this on a new Twin Peaks episode.)
"Moses of the South" by Colour Revolt. (Discovered this through a favorite music recommender.)
The Writing Process. This is perfect.
I want to see the movie "The Big Sick." Here's a story behind the story.
I want to read this children's book: "What Are We Even Doing With Our Lives?: The Most Honest Children's Book of All Time."
From "What Are We Even Doing With Our Lives?" (via amazon)
Chocolate chip studded stuff.
Last week I made mixed nut butter chocolate chip cookies (adapted from this recipe) and chocolate chip banana bread bites. In total, I think I ate 26 of the 30 baked goods. Delicious, and actually fairly nutritious. I need to go make more; I'm thinking chocolate chip zucchini something.
I love chocolate chip cookies, truly. (image via acozykitchen)
I put on many things last week I've never worn or only worn on occasion. It was nice. Refresh!
Top picks: a shiny skirt, an off-the-shoulder striped dress, and thick canvas tank top.
Cher is always in my thoughts when it comes to dressing. (image via paramount pictures)
Dave Chappelle's Netflix special "The Age of Spin." Brilliant.
"The Wedding Singer." Killer soundtrack and terribly wonderful outfits.
Julia Gulia. (image via the movie review)
"Salad for President: A Cookbook Inspired by Artists." By Julia Sherman.
The creator of the immensely popular Salad for President blog presents a visually rich collection of more than 75 salad recipes, with contributions and interviews by artists/creative professionals like William Wegman, Tauba Auerbach, Laurie Anderson, and Alice Waters.
This book looks beautiful and delicious. I want to be like Julia Sherman.
You had me at Heirloom Tomatoes with Crunchy Polenta Croutons. (via amazon)