This musical portion is brought to you by going to a Saintseneca show and having a really great time.
"Pillar of Na" by Saintseneca.
This verse cracks me up: Call in "I Will Always Love You" to the radio / Either version's cool / But I like the original
"Soft Stud" by Black Belt Eagle Scout
"Afraid of Me" by gobbinjr
"Emilia" by Horsebeach. This was just recommended to me on the topic of shoegaze and I dig it.
Mokonuts’ rye-cranberry chocolate-chunk cookies. (photo by Gentl and Hyers for The New York Times. Food stylist: Frances Boswell. Prop stylist: Pamela Duncan Silver.)
This week there were some Thanksgiving desserts being made and photographed at work and I couldn't say no. One was a Pumpkin and Cookie-Butter Sheet Cake With Toasted Meringue and the other was a Chocolate-Pecan Sheet Pie With Molasses. I carried them in my purse to a gallery in Brooklyn, to a show in Manhattan, and then home—where they were eventually consumed for breakfast.
I also devoured a new flavor (coconut cashew) of Purely Elizabeth granola in record speed.
So good. (image by Chelsea Kyle via epicurious)
IT WAS COLD THIS WEEKEND. I was thrilled, even when it was grey and rainy. On Sunday I wore PANTS AND A SWEATER AND A JACKET AND WOOL SOCKS AND BOOTS. Maybe aggressive but I was never sweaty and uncomfortable. I am looking forward to more layers and scarves and socks.
Last week I got my aura photographed, so here is what I'm wearing energy-wise.
I finally saw Crazy Rich Asians — most enjoyable rom com.
I'm curious to watch the new Showtime series with Jim Carrey, Catherine Keener and Judy Greer. It's directed by Michel Gondry (where has he been??) and one of the producers is Jason Bateman, so promising. Jeff, aka Mr. Pickles, is an icon of children's television, a beacon of kindness and wisdom to America's impressionable young minds; when his family begins to implode, Jeff finds that no fairy tale, fable or puppet can guide him through the crisis.
(image via showtime)
I was reading an article about celebrity doppelgängers and remembered how someone once told me I looked like Léa Seydoux (flattering). This brought me to find out that she is in a movie called ZOE as a character named Zoe. Wow. Weird. I'm going to have to watch it. "ZOE tells a tale of forbidden love between an engineer and a robot. ZOE (Léa Seydoux) and COLE (Ewan McGregor) are colleagues and veiled lovers at a lab working to perfect romantic relationships. But their relationship is threatened when Zoe discovers the truth about their relationship, sending them into a spiral of confusion, betrayal and the most intense of human emotions, love."
She even has the bangs in the movie.
Cheesing: This refers to busting out big grins while wandering aimlessly. This refers to daydreaming while eating a muffin. This refers to laughing out loud in the living room with the windows open. This refers to reading horoscopes and enjoying phrases such as: "you can follow your body as it carries you... you can follow your glittering dreams... slowly, the world might start to change color around you — a quiet shift in the sky’s golden light."