"Haunt You" by Bad Magic.
Perhaps hit by a pang of nostalgia and homesickness, this song by a Florida-made friend, Julie Karr, came to mind on Saturday night. I've listened to it repeatedly since. This video cracks me up, I love it. I'd recommend spending a few dollars for the album here, the sound from the album recording is a bit bigger than the video version.
"Buddy Holly" by Weezer.
I went out dancing and between the Drake and Rihanna, for some reason this song was mixed in a set and finally something I know all the words too! It took me back. Myself and the other late-twenty/early-thirty-year-olds were feeling it. This video is just fun.
All the remedies: The Healthyish Guide to Feeling Better Already
New York Magazine's How To Raise A Boy series has some touching, informative, interesting reads.
I learned a lot from The Epicurious Knife Guide. Most of these knives have been sitting around my desk for weeks, so I feel close to this. Plus, the photos are superb.
Mesmerized. (photo by Chelsea Kyle, prop styling by Beatrice Chastka, food styling by Anna Stockwell)
I snack on thousands of new things lately, the wild, pant-tightening world of food publications. Dates dipped in sunflower butter. Rocky road cookies. French onion chicken. Partially popped and "probiotic activated" popcorn. Cookie crisps. BBQ sweet potato chips. Dark chocolate with coconut milk, vanilla sea salt, and nibs called "Kissed Mermaids." Maybe I should start turning down samples, but it really is deliciously exciting.
If you come across this brand of chocolate (Xocolatl) buy it! (image via metaleap creative)
I brought out the beloved pink faux fur jacket this weekend. I also wore one of my prized possessions: a sweatshirt I embroidered for a project in art school — my modern interpretation of a Mexican huipil.
I went to an awesome girlgaze event in my sweatshirt. This picture cracks me up.
I want to see: Flower (so many great actors) and Thoroughbreds (looks kind of creepy and enjoyable).
New Friends: Getting to hang out with people, sitting on barstools talking about our lives and problems and making jokes, what a nice feeling! Having people to share cabs with and 5 a.m. waffle fries is more than I could've asked for. Having fun work friends to show you a new floor at work with free cereal and ginger ale is priceless. I definitely miss my longtime friends, but I'll take all these moments too.