"Glassworks" by Philip Glass.
I could make a giant web connecting things I love with Philip Glass. Baltimore (his hometown and one of my favorite places), Chuck Close (I went through an obsessive Close phase in high school and have stared as his portrait of Glass a thousand times), Ira Glass (second cousins and I love public radio)...
"Glassworks" is magical and soothing and invigorating.
"The Absolute Best ______ in New York" articles.
As my May in New York is fast approaching, I am getting into some consumable research. Since I adore and trust all facets of New York Magazine, here are my favorite pieces of research for bookmarking:
Vanilla salted-caramel cake at Ovenly. Photo: Liz Clayman (via nymag)
"The Absolute Best Salad Spot in New York" - because balance and I actually really love vegetables, too.
Sweetgreen’s Harvest Bowl. Photo: Liz Clayman. (via nymag)
"The Absolute Best Lattes in New York" - water and coffee are my top beverage choices in life.
Latte at Everyman Espresso. Photo: Paul Wagtouicz. (via nymag)
Gorp (aka "good old raisins and peanuts" aka trail mix).
I particularly enjoy Trader Joe's "Legendary Nut & Berry Mix" (almonds, cranberries, raisins, cashews, blueberries, walnuts, and raspberries) and I won a box of 88 Acres seed bars that are essentially trail mix in bar form (lots of seeds and dried fruits).
Sometimes work feels like a hike and this sustenance helps.
88 Acres sells three snack bars: Apple & Ginger, Chocolate & Sea Salt, and Triple Berry. (via 88acres)
This is an anticipated wear, but I just got (won, actually) this iron-on patch and cannot wait to adorn something with it.
Very much my inner mantra. (image and patch via studiodiy)
I haven't been binging any television lately, but in the past week I have enjoyed: the new Louis C.K. special, the latest Almodovar movie "Julieta," and the series finale of "Girls."
I am looking forward to "Fargo" season 3 (which starts this week) and includes Ewan McGregor and Jim Gaffigan!
Ewan is looking rough! (image via YouTube)
(This is always the hardest category to fill in, which actually makes me feel better about life fulfillment/satisfaction.)
Let's go fantasy-indulgence with this one:
A packing and organizing machine. (Currently trying to pare down all my belongings and it usually ends in semi-organized, barely rearranged piles.
A personal masseuse. (My legs have been aching. I know my anxiety is buried deep in my shoulders. It would be nice to have a massage at any instant.)
My own beautiful apartment in New York. (My arrangements for travel are getting expensive and complex. Wouldn't it be sweet if I just had some magical place of my own?)
This is the first fantasy that came to mind---more so the chocolate factory than the Oompa Loompas. (image via alamay)