Monday Memos // 82


This week is brought to you by brevity.

"Gladly" by Tirzah.

"Velvet Ring" by Big Thief.

I love a food pattern. Coffee Toffee Shortbread Cookies (photo via bonappetit)

I love a food pattern. Coffee Toffee Shortbread Cookies (photo via bonappetit)


More granola. Mixed nut butter. Mushrooms. And all the fruit. 

Also, how about these high carbohydrate lamps

Summer always reminds me of this William Carlos Williams poem. 

Summer always reminds me of this William Carlos Williams poem. 


I'm leaning back into one of my old standards: dressing very Florida retiree. Big button-up short sleeved shirts with some sort of flora. Shorts. Comfortable sandals or old Keds. When I'm not going out in public it's a lot of tank tops and elastic waist pants. Summer comfort. 

ADAMJK provides a worthy reminder. 

ADAMJK provides a worthy reminder. 


Tears running down my face by way of new episodes of Queer Eye.

Next weekend The Great British Bake Off is back and I am delighted for more bakes, sweetness, and accents.


Rest: This past weekend included delightful lounging. Long bus rides. Afternoon naps. Lying on the floor with cats. Stopping to admire flowers. Floating around in a pool. Taking strolls with family and sharing bites of a single caramel. Eating wedges of cookies and handfuls of berries. Lazing in bed to read and write and edit and write. Just the thing to recharge for more adventures.

Plus a mom-made berry galette.

Plus a mom-made berry galette.

Monday Memos // 43


"This Strange Effect" by The Kinks

"Shark Smile" by Big Thief

"No Matter Where We Go" by Whitney


Always Modern Love: How to Stop Breaking Up

Nayyirah Waheed's poems: "Perhaps the most famous poet on Instagram"


I'll call it "food to fuel."

I've been so busy this last week. I'll be working, moving, grooving, sweating and suddenly I NEED TO EAT SOMETHING and it will be any number of things. Iced coffee, cold grapes, pizza, fresh fish, toast with jam, a Rice Krispies treat...

I wonder how many gallons of ice cream I've consumed in my life?

I wonder how many gallons of ice cream I've consumed in my life?

I'm not usually partial to pepperoni, but this is picturesque.

I'm not usually partial to pepperoni, but this is picturesque.


Jean shorts, gym shorts, short skirts, dresses that could be T-shirts. 

This. (image via pinterest)

This. (image via pinterest)


"The Incredible Jessica James." A most recent Netflix original movie starring one of the dope queens, Jessica Williams. It was one of the movies I needed in a trying moment and it made me feel significantly better. 

"The Incredible Jessica James is a little odd duck of a film, an old-fashioned romantic comedy that’s decidedly modern in its frame of reference, a character-driven piece that never lets us too deep into its protagonist, a movie as pleasant as it is fleeting."—Vulture


I want to be on my favorite island. The pang of nostalgia hits me hard in the height of the summer.

I want to smell the salt in the air and the slight stink of skunk. I want to taste my grandma's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and a scoop of ice cream from Ben and Bill's. I want to feel the soft grass between my toes and the warm spot at the tip of the jetty. I want to hear the honk of the ferry and the old song lingering from the carousel. I want to see those greying shingles and the setting sun turn everything that spectacular shade of green.

This spot, this view is burned into my brain.

This spot, this view is burned into my brain.

I could plop right down in it.

I could plop right down in it.

Nearly a decade ago—can you spot the ghost photographer?

Nearly a decade ago—can you spot the ghost photographer?